

  1. 1. 本條款適用於您使用GoGoX在香港所提供的本地搬屋服務(GoGoVan搬屋服務)。


  1. 2. GoGoVan搬屋服務可能包括但不限於:物品包裝,裝載,運輸,卸載,或開箱。GoGoVan搬屋服務的詳情將在向您提供的報價單中列出。


  1. 3. 除非另有書面約定,GoGoVan搬屋服務不包括裝/拆水、電、及煤氣。
  1. GoGoX保留拒絕運送任何被視爲違禁或危險物品的去權力。此類物品包括但不限於:
    1. a. 石棉;
    2. b. 人類遺骸(包括骨灰);
    3. c. 槍支及彈藥;
    4. d. 爆炸物;
    5. e. 牲畜和/或牲口;
    6. f. 毒品;
    7. g. 非法財物;及
    8. h. 香港或任何目的地司法管轄區相關法律禁止的任何其他物品。

4. GoGoX可合理酌情決定任何物品是否構成風險或危險,並拒絕裝運。如果在搬運過程中發現任何違禁或危險物品,搬運服務商有權將這些物品從貨物中移除並取消搬運。您有責任自行安排其他運輸方式,運費自理。GoGoX不承擔與識別或從貨物中移除違禁或危險物品相關的任何費用,並保留向您索賠此類費用的權利。


  1. 5. GoGoX將根據您提供的資料發出報價。
  1. 6. 所有報價僅供參考,不構成具有約束力的協議。報價單中之價錢僅為估價,將根據實際情況進行調整,包括但不限於下列情況:
    1. a. 如搬運當日搬運之內容、清單、及/或要求與報價時所提供的資料不附;
    2. b. 搬運服務涉及超重或易碎物品(如夾萬或大型魚缸);
    3. c. 搬運服務需要行樓梯(包括先行樓梯才到達升降機);
    4. d. 搬運服務需要經平台轉升降機;
    5. e. 停車位置偏遠 (距離搬運地點超過50米);
    6. f.  搬運服務涉及上落斜坡;
    7. g. 搬運服務涉及裝拆傢俬;或
    8. h. 搬運服務涉及移動或裝拆任何大型物件以騰出空間(如拆門)。
  1. 7. 若物品無法使用電梯搬運,則按照需要行樓梯的層數收費,以GoGoX報價爲準。
  1. 8. 報價不包括橋費、隧道費及停車費等雜費,您同意將按實際產生費用自行支付搬運服務商。
  1. 9. 您須於GoGoX指定之日期/時間內支付指定的訂金或全數金額,以確認有關報價及GoGoVan搬屋服務,所有已付費用將不獲退還。付款後,您將被視爲接受報價,報價將構成GoGoX與您之間具有約束力的協議。
  1. 10. GoGoX將盡可能按照報價的時間要求(如有)提供搬運服務;但這些標準不屬於承諾,亦不構成本條款的一部份。
  1. 11. 如在搬運當日發現任何報價内未有包含或預測的情況,您同意與搬運服務商代表商議額外收費,最後收費以雙方當時議價爲準。


  1. 12. 除非另有書面約定,否則GoGoX不對以下物品的損壞或丟失負責或賠償:手提電話、電腦、筆記本電腦、顯示器、手錶、相機、集成電路、名酒、香烟、烟草、動物、古董、金塊、鈔票、貨幣、貴重紙張、證券、藝術品和珠寶、貴重金屬、毛皮。
  1. 14. 如搬運期間因GoGoX的疏忽而引致對被搬運物件的任何損壞,GoGoX將對您進行賠償,賠償金額最高為港幣$2,000正。如您需要保險保障,須自行購買保險。
  1. 15. 賠償申請必須在搬屋服務完成後48小時內提交,并需提供相關證據。有關賠償受限于GoGoX貨物賠償承諾條款及細則,如有任何爭議,GoGoX保留最終決定權。


  1. 16. 所有紙/膠箱、袋、旅行喼等每件不得超過25kg,長寬高長度總和不得超過160cm,否則以每件的標準價格的兩倍收費 (以GoGoX報價爲準)。
  1. 17. 您同意:
    1. a.自行包裝處理雜物入箱入袋以作搬運(請注意,在場搬運人員不會代您包裝);
    2. b. 把傢俬內雜物清走(如清理鞋櫃内的鞋),否則該件傢俬將以標準價格的兩倍收費 ,而GoGoX亦不會為因雜物所導致的傢俬損毀而作賠償;及
    3. c. 於搬運服務前後自行點算搬運物品的數量,如有任何疑問 (無論是關於搬運物品的數量或損壞)應即時提出,如您於搬運人員離開後才提出疑問,將不被接納。


  1. 18. 您若希望更改GoGoVan搬屋服務的日期及/或時間,您須於5個工作天或之前通知GoGoX並與其協商改期事宜。在本條款中,工作日是指除星期日或公衆假期外的任何一天。
  1. 19. 如您在少於5個工作天或之前通知的情況下要求更改或取消GoGoVan搬屋服務,GoGoX可全權酌情決定是否滿足您的要求。GoGoX有權沒收任何已付費用,並收取港幣$500或報價單價的總數之20%的行政費用,以較高者為準。
  1. 20. GoGoX不會對任何搬運上的延誤而導致的任何損失或損害承擔責任。
  1. 21. 如已確認之搬運服務因惡劣天氣或其他不可抗力因素而須改期或取消,GoGoX保留最終決定權。對於因不可抗力事件造成的任何延誤造成的任何損失或損害,GoGoX概不負責。


  1. 22. 任何對有關服務的投訴或爭議需先提請至GoGoX。GoGoX將盡一切努力找到適當的解決方案。


  1. 23. GoGoX將按照GoGoX之隱私政策處理所收集的個人資料。


  1. 24. 本條款及細則將取代所有先前的口頭或書面協議和承諾。
  1. 25. GoGoX有權暫停、修訂或更改此等條款及細則及各項安排,並可隨時取消或終止服務,事前毋須就此發出通知,亦不需要為此承擔任何責任。
  1. 26. 本條款及細則受香港法律管轄。如有任何爭議,GoGoX保留最終決定權。
  1. 27. 如中文版本與任何地區語言版本有任何差異,以中文版本為準。


  1. 28. GoGoVan搬屋服務條款及細則(一般條款)以及此附加條款適用於您使用GoGoX所提供的移民搬運服務(GoGoVan移民搬運服務)。
  1. 29. 此附加條款是對一般條款的補充及完善。如有衝突,以此附加條款爲準。


  1. 30. GoGoVan移民搬運服務是指由GoGoX協調及提供并於不同司法管轄區開始及結束的搬運服務。GoGoVan移民搬運服務的詳請將在向您提供的報價單中列出。


  1. 31. 所有報價僅供參考,不構成具有約束力的協議。報價單中之價錢僅為估價,將根據實際情況進行調整。最終費用將在貨物包裝,裝箱,裝托盤後計算,並根據以下兩項中較高者計算:
    1. a. 實際總體積;或
    2. b. 實際體積重量。


  1. 32. GoGoX不對因海關檢查或未使用指定包裝而可能造成的貨物損壞承擔任何責任。
  1. 33. GoGoX不對不可抗力事件或大氣現象(如超市,發霉,生銹,褪色,腐蝕或逐漸變質)造成的任何貨物損失,損壞和/或延誤負責,除非直接與GoGoX的疏忽導致的進水有關。
  1. 34. GoGoX對物品的損壞或丟失的賠償限額不得超過報價單總金額的10%或港幣1,500元正(以較低者爲準)。如您需要保險保障,須自行購買保險。
  1. 35. 賠償申請必須在搬運服務於目的地司法管轄區完成後7天內提交,并需提供相關證據。GoGoX不對已經投保的索賠負責。如有任何爭議,GoGoX保留最終決定權。


  1. 36. 如貨物中包含易碎物品和家具,您必須提前通知GoGoX。


  1. 37. 您若希望更改GoGoVan移民搬運服務的日期及/或時間,您須於2個工作天或之前通知GoGoX並與其協商改期事宜。在本條款中,工作日是指除星期日或公衆假期外的任何一天。
  1. 38. 如您在少於2個工作天或之前通知的情況下要求更改或取消GoGoVan移民搬運服務,GoGoX可全權酌情決定是否滿足您的要求。GoGoX有權沒收任何已付費用,並收取港幣$1,500的行政費用。

(Last updated: Dec 2023)

Terms and Conditions of GoGoVan Moving Services

  1. 1. These terms apply to your use of the moving services provided by GoGoX in Hong Kong (the GoGoVan Moving Services).

GoGoVan Moving Services

  1. 2. The GoGoVan Moving Services may include, but are not limited to: packing, loading, transportation, unloading, and unpacking of objects. Details of the GoGoVan Moving Services will be set out in a quotation issued to you.

Service Exclusions

  1. 3. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, GoGoX’s moving service does not include installation/disconnection of water, electricity, and gas utilities.
  1. 4. GoGoX reserves the right to refuse the shipment of any items deemed prohibited or dangerous. Such items include, but are not limited to:
    1. a. asbestos;
    2. b. human remains including ashes;
    3. c. firearms and ammunition;
    4. d. explosives;
    5. e. livestock and/or bloodstock;
    6. f. narcotics;
    7. g. illegal property; and
    8. h. any other items prohibited by the laws of Hong Kong or the destination jurisdiction(s).

GoGoX may use reasonable discretion to determine if any item poses a risk or hazard and refuse its shipment. If any prohibited or dangerous items are discovered during the moving process, the moving services operator has the right to remove such items from shipment and cancel the move. You are responsible for making alternative shipping arrangements at your own cost and expense. GoGoX shall not be liable for any costs associated with the identification or removal of prohibited or dangerous items from a shipment and reserves the right to claim such costs from you.


  1. 5. GoGoX will issue a quotation based on the information provided by you.
  1. 6. All prices quoted are for reference only and do not constitute a binding offer or agreement. Prices quoted are estimates only and subject to adjustment based on the actual circumstances, including but not limited to the following:
    1. a. if the contents, list, and/or requirements and information provided for the purposes of generating the quotation are found to be inaccurate; 
    2. b. the moving services involves moving overweight or fragile items (such as safety deposit boxes or large fish tanks);
    3. c. the moving services requires the climbing of staircases (including climbing staircases to reach escalators);
    4. d. the moving service requires passing through a platform to the escalator;
    5. e. Parking location is remote (more than 50 meters away from the moving site);
    6. f. Moving services involve going up and down slopes;
    7. g. Moving services involve the assembly and dismantling of furniture; or
    8. h. The moving services involve the removal or dismantling of any large objects in order to make room for moving (such as the removal of a door).
  1. 7. If items cannot be moved by elevator GoGoX will charge based on the number of flights of stairs climbed, as quoted by GoGoX.
  1. 8. The quoted price does not include miscellaneous fees such as bridge tolls, tunnel tolls and parking fees. You agree to pay the moving services operator the actual costs incurred.
  1. 9. You must pay the deposit or the full amount on the date/time as specified in the relevant quotation to confirm the relevant quotation and GoGoVan Moving Services. All amounts paid are non-refundable. Upon payment, you are deemed to have accepted the quotation and it shall constitute a binding service agreement between GoGoX and you. 
  1. 10. GoGoX will use reasonable efforts to provide moving services according to the timelines requested in the quotation; however, these standards are not commitments and do not form part of these terms.
  1. 11. In the event that any circumstances not included or anticipated in the quotation are discovered on the day of the move, you agree to negotiate with the representative of the moving services operator for additional charges. The final charges shall be based on the price agreed upon by both parties at the time of the move.

Liability and compensation

  1. 12. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, GoGoX will not be responsible for nor compensate for damage or loss of the following items: mobile phones, computers, notebooks, monitors, watches, cameras, integrated circuits, fine wines, cigarettes, tobaccos, animals, antiques, bullion, bank notes, currency, valuable papers, securities, fine arts and jewelleries, precious metals, furs.
  1. 13. GoGoX will compensate you for any damage to the objects being moved if it was caused by GoGoX’s negligence during the move. The maximum compensation is HK$2,000. You must purchase your own insurance if they require insurance coverage.
  1. 14. Claims for compensation must be submitted within 48 hours after completion of the moving service, with relevant evidence. Compensation is subject to the 15. GoGoX Cargo Compensation Promises terms and conditions. In case of any disputes, GoGoX reserves the right of final decision. 

Operational Policies

  1. 16. All paper/plastic boxes, bags, travel bags, etc. must not exceed a total weight of 25kg each, and the sum of the length, width, and height must not exceed 160cm, otherwise the standard price of each piece will be charged at double the standard rate (as quoted by GOGOX).
  1. 17. You agree to:
    1. a. handle and pack other household sundries into boxes and bags for moving (please note that on-site handling personnel will not pack for you); 
    2. b. all sundries must be removed from furniture (such as shoes within any shoe cabinet), otherwise the piece of furniture will be charged double the standard price. GoGoX will not be liable and will not compensate for damages to the furniture caused by these sundries; and 
    3. c. count the total number of items to be transported before and after the moving service. If you have any related questions (whether in relation to the total number of items to be transported or in relation to any damages), you should ask the on-site handling personnel immediately. Once the on-site handling personnel leaves the premises, any questions or disputes raised by you will not be accepted by GoGoX.

Cancellation and Rescheduling

  1. 18.  If you wish to change the date and/or time of the GoGoVan Moving Services, you must inform GoGoX five or more working days in advance and negotiate with GoGoX in relation to rescheduling. For the purposes of this clause, a working day refers to any day other than a Sunday or public holiday.
  1. 19. If changes or cancellation to the GoGoVan Moving Services are requested with less than 5 working days’ notice, GoGoX may, at its sole discretion, choose whether to accommodate such requests. GoGoX further reserves the right to forfeit any amount paid by you and charge an administrative fee of either HK$500 or 20% of the total invoice price, whichever is higher. 
  1. 20. GoGoX will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any delay in handling and/or moving the objects and items.
  1. 21. If the confirmed moving services need to be rescheduled or canceled due to extreme weather conditions and/or other force majeure factors, GoGoX reserves the right of final decision. GoGoX will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any delay due to a force majeure event.

Complaints and dispute resolution

  1. 22. Any complaint or dispute in relation to the services provided must be brought to our attention and GoGoX will make every effort to find an appropriate resolution.

Privacy Protection

  1. 23. GoGoX will process personal data collected in accordance with GoGoX’s Privacy Policy.

General Conditions

  1. 24. These terms and conditions supersedes all prior oral or written agreements and undertakings.
  1. 25. GoGoX reserves the right to suspend, revise or change these terms and conditions and various arrangements, and may cancel or terminate the service at any time without prior notice and without liability.
  1. 26. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Hong Kong. In case of any disputes, GoGoX reserves the right of final decision.
  1. 27. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and any regional language version, the Chinese version prevails.

Terms and Conditions of GoGoVan Worldwide Relocation Services

  1. 28. The Terms and Conditions of GoGoVan Moving Services (the General Terms) and these additional terms apply to your use of the seamless worldwide relocation services provided by GoGoX (the GoGoVan Worldwide Relocation Services).
  1. 29. These additional terms are in addition to and complement the General Terms. In case of conflict, these additional terms take priority.

GoGoVan Worldwide Relocation Services

  1. 30. The GoGoVan Worldwide Relocation Services means the moving services originating and ending in different jurisdictions as coordinated and provided by GoGoX. Details of the GoGoVan Worldwide Relocation Services will be set out in a quotation issued to you.


  1. 31. All prices quoted are for reference only and do not constitute a binding offer or agreement. Prices quoted are estimates only and subject to adjustment based on the actual circumstances. Final charges will be calculated after the shipment is packed, crated, and palleted, and shall be based on the higher of the:
    1. a. actual gross volume; or
    2. b. actual volumetric weight.

Liability and compensation

  1. 32. GoGoX is not liable for any potential damage to cargo resulting from customs inspections or the failure to use designated carton boxes for packing. 
  1. 33. GoGoX shall not be liable for loss, damage, and/or delay to any of the cargo as a result of force majeure events and atmospheric conditions (such as dampness, mold, mildew, rusting, tarnishing, corrosion or gradual deterioration), unless directly linked to ingress of water due to the negligence of GoGoX.
  1. 34. GoGoX’s compensation limit for damage or loss of items shall not exceed the lower of 10% of the total invoice amount or HK$1,500. You must purchase your own insurance if they require insurance coverage.
  1. 35. Claims for compensation must be submitted within 7 days after completion of the moving service at the destination jurisdiction, with relevant evidence. 36. GoGoX is not liable for claims for compensation where insurance coverage is available. In case of any disputes, GoGoX reserves the right of final decision. 

Operational Policies

  1. 37. You are required to inform GoGoX in advance if the cargo contains any fragile items and furniture.

Cancellation and Rescheduling

  1. 38. If you wish to change the date and/or time of the GoGoVan Worldwide Relocation Services, you must inform GoGoX two or more working days in advance and negotiate with GoGoX in relation to rescheduling. For the purposes of this clause, a working day refers to any day other than a Sunday or public holiday.
  1. If changes or cancellation to the GoGoVan Moving Services are requested with less than 2 working days’ notice, GoGoX may, at its sole discretion, choose whether to accommodate such requests. GoGoX further reserves the right to forfeit any amount paid by you and charge an administrative fee of HK$1,500.

(Last updated: Dec 2023)