Stay Home Edition: Tips To Achieve A Spacious Home this COVID-19 Period

As COVID-19 continues to affect our daily lives, it has become more important to solve the problems of space constraints in our own homes. Even after this “Circuit Breaker” period, most Singaporeans are either Working From Home (WFH) or for students, having Home-Based Learning (HBL). With the message of staying home and reducing outside interactions, it is important to make full use of the space available in your homes. Here are some tips to help you create a more conducive environment for every member of your household. 

Have a Habit of Decluttering

If you are an avid fan of Marie Kondo, decluttering is an obvious first step to clearing up your space. Take the first step by going through your belongings and throwing out the things you don’t need. Walk around your room, clear the random papers strewn around the house and make use of the cardboard boxes or small containers you have lying around your house. Those small trinkets that you place around randomly? Gather all of them and separate them via categories into different containers and label them. Old paperwork? Consider scanning them or keeping an online copy instead. By clearing the useless clutter around your house, it is one of the easiest ways to ensure a spacious and conducive environment for your family.

Interior Design to Create Space

One cost-effective way to make your house feel bigger is by implementing small “optical illusions” throughout your home. For example, using floor-to-ceiling shelving allows you to clear floor clutter and make use of wall space. A top-to-bottom unit, which can work particularly well in bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms, draws the eye upward and the ceilings instantly appear higher. Another optical illusion is achieved by using a neutral colour like beige to paint your walls, which will trick the eye into thinking that the room is more spacious than it actually is. This is because the colour will reflect light, causing the walls to visually recede. Additionally, you can use mirrors to achieve the effect of reflection. By having decorative mirrors in your living room, space will seem larger and airier.

Get more room with Self-Storage
Last but not the least, you can get storage space with StorHub. By simply having more room in your home, you can avoid spending on expensive multi-function furniture. Think of it as having an extra room to store items not required in the house. This enables you to have more room in your actual house to create a conducive environment that your household needs and avoid unnecessary clutter. 

How Can GOGOVan & StorHub Help You?

Want to find out more? Get an instant quote at www.storhub.com.sg or simply call   6337 2000 and we will be glad to advise you on the best option that fits your needs. There are 12 facilities that are located island-wide and accessible 24/7 for your convenience. All of these facilities have biometric fingerprint and pin-code access systems, as well as video surveillance systems, installed ensuring that your items will be kept safely. 

Additionally, if you are looking to get more storage space with StorHub, use GOGOVan to transport your items! Download the GOGOVan application on iTunes or Google Play Store and be matched with our friendly GOGOVan delivery drivers. We will ensure that it is a smooth, convenient and quick process to deliver and store your items into StorHub’s storage facilities on the same day. You can finally achieve your dream home!