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3 Customers Pain Points in the E-commerce Industry

Customer consumption behaviour has drastically changed to online and the demand for e-commerce delivery has also increased. Seller hence encounters 3 biggest pain points.

1. Delivery and Handling issues

Nearly half of E-commerce consumers reported that they are frustrated with everything from online shopping, including lost products, delaying delivery time, after-sell issues. 

Consumers become more and more experienced, demanding and frequent in online shopping. While the above problems may occur in an isolated instance, they become major challenges when encountering thousands of e-commerce consumers. If the problem grows, it will adversely affect your E-commerce business with no doubt. 

2. Lengthy Delivery Time

Thanks to the rise of internet and technology advancement, our instant gratification affect the way we shop. Consumers expect immediate demand and don’t expect lengthy delivery time.

To driver more consumers buying online, not a brick-and-mortar store, sellers have to find a solution like providing on-demand, 4-hours or same-day delivery service.

3. Unreliable fleet

To reduce the cost to operate a business, most E-commerce won’t hire private fleet to deliver goods. However, searching for reliable fleet and stable supply of vehicles become one of the biggest challenges for sellers.

While the e-commerce industry is obviously thriving, sellers or E-commerce owners must seriously take the above pain points into consideration. To enhance E-commerce shopping experience for consumers, you can use GOGOBusiness to manage your business with ease.

Related articles: How same-day delivery helps E-commerce?

We also provide on-demand, same day delivery service and booking delivery services. We can help you deliver gifts, move furniture, decorations, renovation tools, etc to your new home. We will provide reliable, quick and efficient services, so as to allow you the flexibility to book a van or truck on demand.

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